5 min readJan 20, 2021


This COVID-19 pandemic is attacking everyone without bias, regardless of social status, level of education, background, finances, race, or religion… we are all equal in the eyes of the disease.

It turns vibrant cities into ghost towns, leaving our streets empty.

It brings businesses to a halt, leaving our shops silent.

It forces organizations to operate online, robbing humans of connection.

It makes people hyper-focus on hygiene and safety, makes us fear contact with each other.

It’s like an invisible force that pushes everyone to break their current patterns and stumble into change, and we all know that that hurts. We all know the pain of this pandemic, and we’re all in danger of being consumed by it, by the overwhelming, overarching loss which we have experienced. Loved ones, strangers, ways of life — we have all lost during this tragedy.

Though we all feel pain, it’s important to realize that we have other options, and that we don’t have to drown in negativity. Many of us overestimate the pain which we’ll face if we challenge ourselves, thinking it will be greater than the pain of just staying where we are. What if making the choice to change brings you possibilities, joy, and happiness in the end?

Imagine if we could strengthen every immunity we have to pain, if we could be fierce and unwavering, and fight back against any pandemic, disaster, or tragedy. Imagine if we could take the opportunity to do something unforgettable.

All this makes me wonder… is it what happens around us which determines our reality, or do we determine our own reality? In other words, do things happen to us or for us?

I believe it is the second one. If we strengthen ourselves, if we hone and heighten our immunity, we can safeguard ourselves from threats, free ourselves from problems, and rise undefeated through difficult times.

The truth is, it comes down to our own choice.

Many believe that COVID-19 only brings negativity, that we have no choice and must simply bear the blows. Many focus on the pain, struggles, and inconvenience, believing they are helpless. It’s not true; we do have a choice. We can choose what perspective to take and determine how we react to the challenges we’re presented with. We cannot take control of the events that are unfolding, but we can take control of how we respond to them.

What if this invisible force could bring some good as well as pain?

What if this tragedy is the trigger which reminds us that change and growth are inevitable?

What if this pushes us out of our comfort zones, encourages us to face our darkest fears and doubts, nudges us to find and fulfil our potential, becoming who we are meant to be?

What if it exists so that we start questioning, so that we start searching for our purpose in life? What if it helps us discover what needs to change in order for us to grow?

What if it exists to make us grow, more resilient, more adaptable? What if COVID-19 is not just an enemy to be vanquished, but a challenge which will bring us growth?

Aristotle is believed to have said that everything happens for a reason. In his quest to discover the true meaning of life, he suggested there were two constants in life:

First, he said that the universe is constantly changing and evolving. What it is today will never be the same tomorrow. We cannot cling to what is; we must look at what could be.

Second, he referred to entelechy, which is “that which turns potential into reality.” Aristotle believed that everything that is happening to you today has a purpose, because it turns you into the person you are becoming. It creates and crafts a new you, a you who is stronger and better than the you of yesterday. It hones you.

I choose to think this way because it empowers us. Rather than remaining static, helpless spectators, hoping and praying that circumstances will improve, we are encouraged to engage and become a part of the world — we are encouraged to act, to welcome change, and to grow as a result of it. We all know that without action, nothing changes.

So, the truth is, we always have a choice. You can choose to settle into a victim’s perspective, blaming your problems on the things which happen to you, or you can choose to take charge of your life, find the silver linings in the clouds, and use your skills to shape the world which you want to see and make things happen for yourself.

Every coin has two sides, and which side of story you choose to see is up to you! You can turn the dull face up and spend your life staring at the negativity etched into it, or you can turn the bright side up. Turning the bright side up takes work sometimes — but by doing so, we can make ourselves immune to whatever life throw at us, because all negatives will be edged with silver, and we’ll see the beauty in overcoming challenges.

Now is the best opportunity you will ever get. I invite you to choose 2021 as your breakthrough year. I invite you to choose to see opportunity, choose to change and grow, choose to step out of the comfort zone. The pain of change won’t be as painful as the pain of staying stuck and helpless. You can change the worst of times into best of times; you are that powerful!

Lastly, I want to share with you four easy pick-me-up strategies which you can use when you are feeling low. They don’t need much time, effort, money, or sugar, and they should help you start feeling good again! :) I hope they serve to alter your perspective a little, even if you’ve had some terrible experiences during this pandemic.

1) Understand that struggle is part of life — no pain, no gain. Growth is inevitable, and growth comes through pain.

2) Express gratitude daily. Gratitude can help improve your mood and bring you positive energy. It’s a really powerful way to turn your view of the world around.

3) Instead of comparing your current life with the future, compare your current life with the past. Focus on what you have gained, how much you have grown, and the lessons you’ve learned.

4) When you’re stuck in a rut, ask yourself — is this helping me or harming me? How can I change my approach?

We are solely responsible for our individual happiness and our individual destiny, so own your life and your right to see the world as beautiful even when it is hard. Immunize yourself to difficulty, and you will be strong enough to rise above every challenge — even challenges like a pandemic.




Written by Risingmindinfo

Hi I'm Jasmine Lim - a certified life coach! I'm here to experience and inspire!

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